Ellen Poulter


LDR 101

9 September 2020

About Me: Biography 

My name is Ellen Poulter, I am a fluent Spanish speaker from Minneapolis. I began learning Spanish at the age of five and have always loved using it to translate for and to communicate with other spanish speakers. One of the most important things to me is helping people and serving others. In my opinion service doesn’t have to be formal, it can be as simple as saying hello to someone who looks lonely or any act of compassion. I have done my best to serve others for as long as I can remember. From bringing my elderly neighbor the newspaper every day on my way to elementary school,  and playing with the younger kids who felt left out on the playground or at the swimming pool. I am not too proud to play pretend with a two year old nor too proud to learn that I was wrong and correct my mistakes. I love children and always have and I hope to pursue a profession that focuses on their care such as Pediatric medicine. 

In caring for children I have become more aware of the world that they and I will be left with and I have found a passion for caring for the environment and our government. I worked as a fellow with the Minnesota DFL  during the 2018 election cycle and gained a ton of experience in engaging with voters on the phone, and in person. I worked using my spanish with frequency as it is often hard to make contact with voters who are less comfortable with the English language. I worked to form relationships with voters and to engage in open and honest conversations. I am a well rounded learner and diligent worker and hope to serve and help whoever I work with or for in both my personal and professional life.